Wednesday 2 September 2015

River Monsters!

Hi Woofers!

It's Daisy, Holly, Miss Snowflake, Mr Brambles, Miss April and Miss May back to see you again!

Just for a change, this morning it was sunny and bright. Down on the beach most of the weed had been washed away and the sand looked all clean and bright!

Mind you, the ferrets say they prefer the grass and while the sand is OK for a dig, you can't beat a good 'Ferret Around' in the undergrowth!

Bright, clean and washed!
Back home we got Doggy Scoff, so that cheered us up a treat, I don't think! Old Two Legs had a lot to do so we had to stay behind and catch up on our snoozing!

Lunchtime he was back and off we went for a walk. The Page Three Girls were in a fine funny mood. Miss May got her harness on first and after a slurp of Ferretone she gave OTL a lick on his cheek!

She is learning!

Our lunchtime walk starts off with a rummage around in the grass which we all enjoy. The ferrets enjoy hunting around for sniffs and monsters!

They have found some sniffs but no monsters yet!

I just love a good sniff!
 Miss May pretended she was a monster but she didn't fool anyone!

I'm a Ferret Monster!
 The tide was almost in and I went off looking for a stick for OTL to throw but all I found was some old egg sacks, so we used that for a while!

Egg Sacks are better than nothing!
 Miss May was getting big and brave and was investigating a sniff on the beach when a wave came rushing in and gave her a wet tail!

Yikes! That was a wet one!
 OTL dried her off by rolling her in his coat which is all soft and acts as a super towel! After that she sat in the sunshine for a while and OTL managed this shot!

Looking Good Miss May!
We got down to the beach where the ferrets normally dig in the sand before heading home.

Today Holly was getting upset about a strange looking thing that was floating just off shore!

She woofed at it and told it to Woof Off! Then she told me to investigate and chase it off our beach.

I went into the water and slowly got closer, then I realised what it was, it was a car wheel that had been covered with weed and pushed off into the water!

Holly says Woof Off or your in trouble!
 It was a bit of a surprise but Holly didn't believe that it was a car tyre covered with weed and insisted it was a monster!

It's a pity she couldn't get out to see it, mind you, she would have got her paws wet, and that would never do!

I hope there is some good muggings tonight, that scoff is a bit yuk, even Holly turns her nose up at it!

See you tomorrow!


Daisy, Holly, Miss Snowflake, Mr Brambles, Miss April and Miss May.