Monday 11 December 2017

Not a day for swimming!

Hi Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss May, Miss Wendy, Freddy and Eric de Ferret here!

Wot a day!

Our first foray into the wild weather was about seven this morning, a quick wee and back in doors.

Well, that's the normal thing.

Not today

Today it was 'Stick yer nose out, engage reverse and back indoors'!

It was horrid!

Old Two Legs got us all dressed up in our rain coat and dragged us...........I repeat......DRAGGED US into the car and along the Sea Wall!

I'm not kidding you but there were 'White Horses' than waves on the sea, all courtesy of a strong North Wind!

Well, it was us suffering and OTL was suffering as well. The rain drops were being blasted by the wind and even OTL reckoned that the rain drops had pointed ends and were designed to kill at twenty paces!

We didn't take the camera and anyway there was no way we would hang about while he was clicking away!

Back home we curled up on the bed until lunchtime.......................the weather was still same, cold wet and painful!

We didn't hang about!

Like this morning, we retired to bed and snoozed!

Another reason for snoozing, Doggy Scoff! Holly reckons we should change our eating house and get our food at the local restaurants!

The only problem with that idea is we don't have any money and these restaurants don't take Bonio Biscuits as payment!

We are off to rob OTL of some of his dinner, well, we got have some fun!

See you tomorrow!


Daisy, Holly, Miss May, Miss Wendy, Freddy and Eric de Ferret.


  1. Oh you poor little things my heart bleeds for you with such an horrendous day. Pointy raindrops and a north wind just what the vet didn't order. Well I was going to Chatham today, did I go, no I didn't, what I needed can wait, if people get late cards then they are late. I cooked a stew, it is all lovely and meaty and gravied, that's wasn't a word but it is now! Keep warm tomorrow and get OTL to do some indoors photography as we need our photo fix xxxxxx

  2. Yo maties. It was horrid weather here as well so I send all my sympathy to you both, I bet the ferrets weren't dragged out in that awful weather. Daisy you and Holly chops can come and live with me or shall I see if I can set up a just giving page on the internetty thing to see if people will send you money to pay for your restaurant meals. It's freezing here, there's still loads of that horrible white stuff in my garden, I gave myself a tummy ache yesterday cos I held on and held on until I couldn't hold on any longer and went for a poo, I don't like it. I was glad I didn't have to go out to work with my mum this morning and then my boy ended up having to go to work early so he left home at 5.30 and I was home alone in charge and on guard duty. Still at least I was warm and snuggly in my little bed. My mum and my boy are both home now and they're both off tomorrow so I'll have plenty of time to rest from all the guarding I've done and I can have a lay in in the morning. I agree with Mrs Sue, OTL needs to do some photography in doors to check out his new camera. My mum was pleased with a package which came today, she said it came from you and all the others at Godwin Towers. Well it's scoff time and I've built up an appetite with all the guarding I've done today. Stay warm and snuggly and don't forget to let me know if you want to move in here, I'll make sure there's room for you both on the bed. Hope you get some decent muggings tonight to make up for the doggie scoff. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch and Mr Nipper xxxxxxxxxxx

  3. What nasty, nasty weather you've had. Pointy rain and white horses in the sea sounds very dangerous. We've also had to do quick wees today. It was -8°C this morning and if you weren't careful, you could be stuck to the ground with your own frozen wee. No snow here but lots of sparkly frost that stays all day. The mountains are very beautiful as they did get lots of snow.
    BUT how is TM? We hope her throat isn't full of razor blades and that her cough is not getting worse. Please give her a big snuggle from us and we hope she feels better soon ... you need her to cook you something better than doggy scoff. Licks,woofs, sniffs and woofs from Izzy and the gang xx xx xx xx
